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mspan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Amy,
The story that I was going to tell you was about our lovely TT neighbor-小胖胖.  小胖胖's dad is American while his mom is Chinese.  Bobbie has been talking about him all the time when she saw him in the hallway, and apparently he really liked her too!

Anyways, this Friday (yes, my birthday) when I walked out of gym from my workout, I indistinctly heard someone mummbling behind my back in Chinese and the phrase sounded like "阿姨".  At that moment, I thought I must heard it wrong or that phrase is NOT referring to me whatsoever, but I was WRONG indeed.  小胖胖's dad walked up toward me and started talking to me in Chinese.  He even asked 2 years old 小胖胖 to call me "阿姨"!!!  Sigh, I guess I'm just getting old and even Americans are calling me 阿姨 now (if you know what I mean).  Nacho, on the other hand, had a different perspective.  He was telling me that since I'm 22 years older than 小胖胖 so it made perfect sense for him to call me 阿姨 instead of 姐姐. 

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Dear Amy,
謝謝妳的生日賀卡,前天收到的時候是禎聯從樓下拿上來的,她還在開玩笑說你信封上一開始地址寫錯用利可白塗掉難道也破壞不了我們之間的情誼嗎? 當我聽到後面那句話我心裡湧上一陣心酸於是抱著少許沉重的心情打開了妳的卡片,如果連我看卡片的心情都可以這麼復雜那我可以想像當時你在書寫這張卡片的心情。

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